Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Vegetarian

While stern lust lessons can be gleaned from after a romp or two, I think homage needs to be paid to the brief encounters between the sexes: screamed dialogue on the barstool, whispered rhymes in a dark corner and my personal favorite, the getting-to-know-you talk on the dancefloor. Its Saturday night and I'm in the mood for a little bit spice...hip hop style. Met a vegetarian/documentarian/rapper/hip hop promoter stemming from no other town but Bizerkeley. He was rockin a fedora, bright blue hula shirt and v neck cardigan..yes you can blame it on the Goose but I thought he was a cutie. This is us on the dancefloor:

K: So you're a vegetarian huh?
Biz: Yea, do you eat pork?
K: I'm chinese, obviously I do...
Biz: is that where you got THESE pork buns?

The takeaway here lovelies is this: never trust a man who doesn't eat meat and definitely never trust a man who compares your best assets to dim sum.

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